Then at the bottom, under 'Sharing & Permissions', you will be able to use the yellow padlock icon to unlock the settings and to give 'everyone' read only access. To bypass this, rightclick the log file and choose the 'Get info' option in the menu. Please also note that the client for Mac will have permissions set on the log file so that you cannot normally open it. Or you can go to /Library/ and then delve deeper from there.
Macintosh may not show you this folder directly in Finder, so to get there, use Finder and in the menu at the top choose 'Go' followed by 'Go to folder' and then enter the above path without the filename to open that folder location directly. Library/Application Support/OpenVPN/log/openvpn_(unique_name).log The OpenVPN Connect Client for Mac stores its log files here: To get there, go to and at the top of the page sign in (if you haven't already) and then click the 'support' link at the top of the page. If you're worried about privacy and such, then take this to the support department for OpenVPN Access Server directly. Then look up the log file and post results here. Try making a connection, and then after a minute, stop the Connect Client - just disconnect it. Could be lots of things, time to look at the client log file to see what it says.